Google Photos Album The above photos are from the 2014.11.15 End of the Year walk It’s been a long journey—362 miles walked by our adult participants, to be specific! Throw in the miles walked by all the kids and we’re easily over 800! We capped the 2014 inaugural season with a grab bag of topics…
Category: 2014 Walks

First Aid (Part 2)
Google Photos Album The above photos are from the 2014.10.18 inaugural First Aid (Part 2) walk. We’ve been exceptionally lucky with the weather since we started way back in May, and today was no exception, cloudy, but no rain; rather, the sun came out just in time for us to enjoy the late-season blooms in…

Bullying & Behavior
Google Photos Album May 24th, 2014 Our fourth and final walk of the pilot program! Quiz Curriculum Stats Date: May 24, 2014 Adults: 19 Children: N/A Total: N/A Miles: 2.3 Calories: about 300* Time: about 2.5 hours Co-leaders: Linnie Bendor-Grynbaum, Cappy Collins, Maria Robles View 2014.05.24 Bullying/Behavior in a larger map *

Dental Health
Google Photos Album May 17th, 2014 Our good luck with the weather continued as the predicted rains didn’t arrive until well after our third walk of the pilot program. It can be hard to find dental care in East Harlem, especially affordable, quality care available to children and adults irrespective of documented status. And that’s…

Climate & Communities
Google Photos Album The above photos are from the 2014.09.20 inaugural Climate and Communities walk. We welcomed new families and new co-leaders on our 7th walk! In honor of the upcoming People’s Climate March, this week’s theme was “Climate and Communities.” First, we talked about easy ways to protect your skin from sun damage. Then…

Google Photos Album The above photos are from the 2014.08.16 inaugural Greenmarkets walk. The summer season means fresh, local produce is available at the dozens of Greenmarkets across the city. There are a few in the East Harlem area and we were please to visit two of them on our walk. We were especially glad…

Obesity & Nutrition
Google Photos Album The suspicious forecast yielded to perfect walking weather for the second of four walks of the pilot program. We focused on the intertwined topics of obesity and nutrition. The pre-walk lesson covered what obesity means, the health risks of obesity, and finally ways to prevent obesity. These suggestions ranged from increasing physical…

First Aid
Google Photos Album Date: 7/19 After a wonderful four walks to pilot our program in May, we decided it was time to hit the streets again. We had a great reason to do so: as part of another health information program run by Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service, our co-leader Lara realized…

Asthma & Allergy
Google Photos Album May 3rd, 2014: our very first Cada Paso walk of our pilot series, and it was a great success! We gathered in Poor Richard’s Playground and registered all our families before a discussion on the number one health concern that we identified from our needs assessment survey: asthma and allergies. We had…