Google Photos Album August 22, 2015: Political Voice Another beautiful day and record-breaking attendance! Many of our walks address traditional health topics, like asthma and dental health. This walk we were pleased to share a non-traditional approach to family and community health, involving access to political action. To that end we visited the office of…

2015 Greenmarkets
Google Photos Album July 18, 2015: Greenmarkets Today we focused on Nutrition, with particular attention to the importance of fresh foods in our diet. We discussed the importance of balancing the amount of calories, or energy like gas in a car, with nutrients, or vitamins and minerals that allow that fuel to be used in…

2015 Obesity
Google Photos Album July 11, 2015: Obesity Today we focused on Obesity, with particular attention to the concept of calories and the avoidance of sugary drinks. We started off the pre-walk lecture with a demonstration to jump right in – literally! – to the concept of a calorie. With some awesome volunteers to help, we…

2015 Play
Google Photos Album June 27, 2015: Play We introduced a new health topic: PLAY! Play is important for children for multiple reasons: it helps them learn, develop their social skills, develop their emotions, develop their physical skills and… it’s fun. Play comes in many forms, but essential are engagement of the child’s mind and/or body….

2015 Asthma
Google Photos Album June 6, 2015: Inaugural walk of the 2015 season! A little overcast in the early morning, but the rain held off and we enjoyed a great stroll around East Harlem, learning about asthma resources in the community. We were especially pleased to welcome some first-time families! Dr. Aimee and Dr. Cappy started…

2015 Kick-Off Party
The above photos are from the 2015.05.02 Kick-Off Party After a long winter, we’re eager to get back outside! To thank all our Cada Paso families for joining us last year, and to get ready for our second season, we threw a party. It was a beautiful day to gather at Little Sisters of the…

Eczema and End of the Year!
Google Photos Album The above photos are from the 2014.11.15 End of the Year walk It’s been a long journey—362 miles walked by our adult participants, to be specific! Throw in the miles walked by all the kids and we’re easily over 800! We capped the 2014 inaugural season with a grab bag of topics…

First Aid (Part 2)
Google Photos Album The above photos are from the 2014.10.18 inaugural First Aid (Part 2) walk. We’ve been exceptionally lucky with the weather since we started way back in May, and today was no exception, cloudy, but no rain; rather, the sun came out just in time for us to enjoy the late-season blooms in…

Bullying & Behavior
Google Photos Album May 24th, 2014 Our fourth and final walk of the pilot program! Quiz Curriculum Stats Date: May 24, 2014 Adults: 19 Children: N/A Total: N/A Miles: 2.3 Calories: about 300* Time: about 2.5 hours Co-leaders: Linnie Bendor-Grynbaum, Cappy Collins, Maria Robles View 2014.05.24 Bullying/Behavior in a larger map *

Dental Health
Google Photos Album May 17th, 2014 Our good luck with the weather continued as the predicted rains didn’t arrive until well after our third walk of the pilot program. It can be hard to find dental care in East Harlem, especially affordable, quality care available to children and adults irrespective of documented status. And that’s…